Thursday 27 April 2017

My second super learning mission!

Hi inno-teachers!

In this post I am going to present to you the second super learning mission that I have created to include in my OEP. I am going to follow the same structure that the one that I used on the previous entry. First of all, I am going to introduce to you the flat activity that has been modified; then, I will explain the whole process that I have followed and, finally I am going to show to you how the activity fits in my OEP (I will also include the sample of the digital artifact that is expected from the pupils).

Resultado de imagen de kids ict clipart
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Before starting with the process, I would like to remind you the steps that are necessary to follow in order to turn a flat activitiy into a super learning mission. These steps are:

  1. Decide a flat activity to change.
  2. Think on how to motivate your students.
  3. Join a collaborative movement (optional).
  4. Set the new goals.
  5. Explain the instructions to your students and how to create the digital artifact/s (if necessary).
You can see the poster that I created with these steps by clicking here. And now, we can start!

The flat activity that I have modified reads as follows:

"Open your books on page 48, look at the pictures on the page and explain to your partner the main characteristics regarding India that you can observe. You can talk about its traditions, the climate, the flora and so on". 

This activity can be considered as a flat activity because it does not involve active participation of the students. They are seen as passive agents in the teaching-learning process.

To turn this activity into a super learning mission, I have collaborated with my two classmates, Lucía and Carmen. As I explained on my last entry, both of them are working with The 30 goals Challenge. These are the two challenges that Lucía and Carmen are following:

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But, apart from aligning this mission with the 30 goals challenge project, it is also related with the collaborative movement that I have chosen for my OEP, InfoEDUgrafías. The previous activity that we created (you can access to it by clicking here) consisted on designing a StoryBoard (which is an infographic) that will led the students to continue with this second mission. For this reason, I can affirm that this activity is aligned with my project because students are expected to create a video which can be recorded thanks to the infograpgic that they have already created.

Regarding the "Recognize with a Badge" challenge from "The 30 goals challenge", students will receive these ones once they accomplish their roles on the mission:

By Lucía Carrasco

So as to explain the main features of this second mission, which is called "Create a video about India", I have created a canva image:

As you can observe, we can assure that this activity is a super learning mission. Students will be motivated when doing it; and, moreover, they will acquire other skills that cannot be acquired through a flat activity (such as ICT skill).

Furthermore, I would like to attach a slideshow presentation containing the mission instructions. It will be presented to the students so as to facilitate their comprehension. This presentation has been created with Google Drive, although I have uploaded it to SlideShare so as to embedded it here.

Finally, I would like to attach a sample of the digital artifact (video) that is expected from the students in this mission and to explain how we have created it.

First of all, we decided to write the scripts of the video in a Google Drive document. Then, we recorded it in a croma (a green piece of cloth) and we dressed up for the occasion. Once we had the different clips (we recorded eight clips), we started to edit it. We decided to use iMovie to edit our video because it is an easy tool for video editing. We chose different photos of India so as to include them (it is important to mention that all the photos are copyright free). Moreover, for the weather forecast images, we created them using a blank map and some weather icons. 

And, as always, before finishing with the entry, I would like to reflect on the learning that I have acquired thanks to this activity.

First of all, I want to say that this challenge (challenge number 10) was a difficult but motivating task to accomplish. As I explained in my last entry, turning a flat activity into a mission is not an easy task. Despite of this, I have learnt a lot. Thanks to this second mission, I have learnt to use iMovie program. I strongly believe that it is one of the best video editing programs. It is very easy to use and the fact of using the green croma is amazing! We tried other video editing programs but they were not as esay as iMovie is.

Furhtermore, I would like to add that I have learnt also abouth "The 30 goals challenge" project. Thanks to the collaboration that I have made with my two classmates, I have known this brilliant collaborative movement. 

Regarding Canva, Google Drive and SlideShare, there is nothing to say! I strongly believe that these tools are brilliant for educational purpose. If you have been reading my posts, you probably have noticed that I use them a lot when creating meaningful artifacts. I will continue using them for a long time, I am sure!

To end with, I would like to thank Lucía and Carmen for letting me be part of this amazing adventure! I have enjoyed a lot while working with them. It has been a pleasure! I am sure that they will be incredible teachers!

And, after sharing this moment with all of you, I only have to add...

See you soon, inno-teachers!


  1. As always there are no words to describe how perfectly organized and amazing are all of your posts! I really enjoyed this second mission, especially the video that you created with Lucia and Carmen! You showed us what a great job can be done when collaborating with other classmates, teachers and projects! Your self-reflection left no doubt about the great things you've learned overcoming this TIC challenge! I loved how you used so many digital tools in your post, as it made it more visual and easy to understand!
    I simply love your posts! They're amazing! Congratulation!!

  2. Hilarious video,isn't it? I cannot stop laughing!

    Apart from that, great post Ana, you explained everything in a clear way. It was so organized. I really like your poster, it is full of details! Thanks for collaborating with me, it was a pleasure and so funny. Good job, girl!

    Keep like that.


    1. Hi, Carmen!!
      Yes, it is a very funny video! I can't stop laughing too!! hahaha
      See you in class, my dear! :)

  3. Hi Ana!! First of all, as I told your partners, congratulations for such an amazing work!! You form a great team, and I´m sure you are going to be excelent teachers.
    I like the idea of creating a comic and then the video talking about India, wearing typical clothes!! I think both super learning missions are very engaging and motivating for students. I´m sure they are going to have a great time while learning many things, as you three did!
    Nice work!!

    1. Thank yoU, Laura!
      Your job in amazing, too!
      See you :)
